Domain Name Sanity Blog
You Need To Incorporate Video Content Into Your Website Design. Here’s Why.
Most marketers understand the importance of video for search engine optimization, and many would agree that it’s even more important than text. Current trends, especially evidenced through social media channels, show us that video consumption and priority are higher than ever before and are projected to grow.
10 Tips to Keep Your Website Safe from Attacks
According to Sophos Labs, nearly 11 million websites are hacked yearly, with an average of 30,000 hacks daily. This alarming statistic proves that we must all step up our cybersecurity game if we own or manage a website. In this post, we’ll explain how to check if your site is secure and share ten effective tips to keep your website from attacks.
8 Email Management Tips
If it’s too late for you to separate your main email address into a few categories, no worries. We still have a few tips for you that will hopefully make your inbox browsing a bit smoother. Keep reading to find out more about all the methods we recommend.
What Is an Inode?
In a real-world filing system, there needs to be a record of where each file is. Otherwise, there really wouldn’t be a point in having a filing system. An inode is a concept that solves this problem digitally, in Unix filing systems.
How Long Does It Take for DNS to Update?
DNS propagation, or DNS updating, refers to the period of time between making a change to your domain name and seeing that change reflected in DNS across the internet. Propagation occurs after a few different types of actions, including making a change to your DNS records, or changing your domain name’s WHOIS information.
What Is a Nameserver?
When you type a search term into your browser and hit ‘enter’, you set in motion a lightning-fast process of communication and data retrieval. Nameservers are at the center of the action: a nameserver facilitated your access to this very web page, as well as any other internet activity you’ve conducted today.
What Is a Web Address?
If you’ve used a web browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox before, you’ve likely come across a web address. Also known as a URL (a Universal Resource Locator), they’re generally located in the search bar across the top of the browser page.
What two protocols are used to deliver mail messages?
Emailing today is such an easy task. Compose, hit send, and your message travels across oceans and borders to reach its recipient. It is such an easy task that people’s attention starts to drown in their full inboxes, which are also littered by spammers, phishers and other members of the not-so-nice population of netizens.
All About the .blog Domain Extension
.blog is one of the most recently introduced gTLDs (generic top-level domain), and has quickly gained a sizable popularity. Should you register a .blog domain for yourself or your business? What are the advantages when compared to the classic gTLDs such as .com, .net, or .org? Let’s find out.