Domain Name Sanity Blog
How to Use Fiverr in Your Online Business
Fiverr is a platform that allows you to outsource tasks to freelancers. On Fiverr, you can find contractors who can assist you with everything, from web design to software development. In this article, we’ll take a look at why Fiverr is a great option for outsourcing, and we’ll give you some tips on how to get started.
How to Set Up a Vertical Monitor
If you’re looking to get a vertical monitor or update the one you have, then this is the article for you. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about vertical monitors and how to set one up in your home office.
Why Are My Emails Going to Spam?
There is no experience more frustrating than having your emails end up in the spam folder of your recipients rather than their inboxes. If you’ve found that your emails are going to spam instead of your subscribers’ inboxes, keep reading to find out why.
Can All Monitors Be Mounted?
Today, on average, most people spend around 7 hours daily in front of a screen. Because of this, where you place the screen is crucial to avoid neck strain and headaches. One common strategy to make computer monitors more ergonomic is to mount them. But can all monitors be mounted, even if they come with pre-built stands or shelves? Keep reading to learn more.
How to Position Dual Monitors
In this article, we’ll talk about ergonomics and the best ways to position two monitors. We’ll also cover the differences in positioning relative to whether your monitors are flat or curved.
How to Become Tech Savvy
In a world where technology shapes our society and everyday life, knowing how to operate a computer and other common tech gadgets becomes a survival skill.
You Need To Incorporate Video Content Into Your Website Design. Here’s Why.
Most marketers understand the importance of video for search engine optimization, and many would agree that it’s even more important than text. Current trends, especially evidenced through social media channels, show us that video consumption and priority are higher than ever before and are projected to grow.
10 Tips to Keep Your Website Safe from Attacks
According to Sophos Labs, nearly 11 million websites are hacked yearly, with an average of 30,000 hacks daily. This alarming statistic proves that we must all step up our cybersecurity game if we own or manage a website. In this post, we’ll explain how to check if your site is secure and share ten effective tips to keep your website from attacks.
8 Email Management Tips
If it’s too late for you to separate your main email address into a few categories, no worries. We still have a few tips for you that will hopefully make your inbox browsing a bit smoother. Keep reading to find out more about all the methods we recommend.