Domain Name Sanity Blog
Our Free Private Domain Registration Service and Why You Need It
Building a website for your new business or blog is exciting. You’ll go through the process of choosing the name and extension, choosing a domain name company to buy it from, creating and designing the website… But how much about the process of registering a domain name are you actually familiar with?
How To Add iFrames to Your WordPress Website
Creating good content for your website often means integrating content from other websites. And with all the amazing resources available on the internet, it’s a shame not to fuse some of it with your own material. Adding media from other websites can vary from spicing up…
How to Use the WordPress get_posts Function: A Guide to Building Post Lists
The WordPress get_posts function allows developers to retrieve post data from the WordPress database by taking the ID of a given post and returning the corresponding piece of content from the database. Basically, with the…
How To Redirect Your WordPress Site from HTTP to HTTPS
The internet has arguably made a lot of things more convenient for us. From paying bills, to online shopping, academic research, and entertainment – there’s little you can’t do with a computer and an internet connection. However, this also…
A Brief Guide to Apache Web Server: What It Is and How It Works?
Apache is one of the oldest web servers that’s still very widely used and accepted. Created in the 1990s under the Apache License 2.0, it’s maintained by a foundation made up of developers known as the Apache Software Foundation.
A Short Guide to Nginx: Its Beginnings, What It Is and How It Works
Nginx is an open-source software, functioning initially as a web server, but it’s also used as a reverse proxy, HTTP cache, or a load balancer. It’s been released under the terms of the 2-clause BSD license, and its event-driven…
3 Ways to Defer Parsing of JavaScript on Your WordPress Website
When a visitor opens your WordPress website, their browser displays its content by fetching it from top to bottom. If it comes across JavaScript, it will stop retrieving the content until it fully loads and parses the JavaScript file on the…
3 Ways To Enable GZIP Compression on Your WordPress Site
Since Google’s speed update in July 2018, speed has become an important factor in website rankings on mobile searches. In fact, if you’re running your own website, you probably already know that having a fast-loading website is important both…
How to Fix the HTTP Error when Uploading Images in WordPress
While WordPress is one of the most user-friendly, intuitive ways to build a website, it does come with its own host of issues. If you’ve just started up your own WordPress website, you’re about to discover that managing a website comes…